Student Affairs

2003 Virtual Case Study Competition (VCS)

 Congratulations to the winning team from Loyola University Chicago!


This year marked our 2nd Annual Virtual Case Study Competition for Masters level students in student personnel administration, counseling or higher education administration graduate programs.

Almost double the number of teams from last year (a total of 29) entered this year's competition.

For this year's competition, teams were given a technology-oriented scenario with the charge of critiquing a fictional Student Life web site with the goal of reviewing and proposing changes to the pages. READ MORE...

FIRST PLACE: Loyola University Chicago
Team Members: Jennifer Fullick, Jill Jozwiak, Allison Steffensmeier, and Dana Wesolowski
* $100 awarded to each team member

  SECOND PLACE: Western Illinois University
Team Members: Hal DeLaRosby, James Droste, Shannon Fahey, and Angela Swenson

  THIRD PLACE: North Carolina State University
Team Members: Adrienne Jablonski, Sean Jenkins, Ebony Ebron, and Jennifer Bannon


  • Western Illinois University
    Matthew T. Suwalski, Sameer Paroo, Sarah Rockwell, Leah K. Dooley
    Jayme T. Little, Julien Agnew, Pamela C. Brown, Josh Morrison
  • University of Maine
    Eryn Montgomery, Travis Erickson, Jacinda Boucher, Gennaro DeAngelis
  • Suffolk University
    Jason Jacobson, Liz Smith, Laura-Jean Hickey

» See our list of past champions and archived competitions